Friday, January 4, 2013

1/3/13 br

I think it is pretty cool how they caught a thief by flying over him while in the middle of stealing their trailer. I mean what are the coincidence of this happening again. These people got extremely lucky because if they had flown over just a few minutes before or after they would have never seen the guy stealing their trailer and the cops never would have caught the guy

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12/18/12 br

I think it is about time we start talking about gun legislation to protect children in schools especially younger children. We need more people to start talking about it.

Monday, December 17, 2012

12/17/12 br

The gunman shot his mother at their house and killed her. Then he went to the school and into his mothers classroom and killed all the children in her class. He also killed 6 adults at the school including the principle, counselor, and a few teachers

12/14/12 br

This is pretty cool. If I knew you could do this kind of stuff I would do it too. He is getting a pretty good amount of money for changing his name and also wearing shirts that advertise companies. It's crazy that someone would pay $45,500 for someone to change there last name but still Jason is definitely making out pretty good in this whole thing.
If I were to change my name I would probably do what Jason did and sell it and let someone give me a last name. I would probably switch after like a tear and get even more money to promote a big company. That's definitely what I would do if I had to change my name.

12/13/12 br

I don't think you should be kicked out of the army for being obese. A lot of people go into the army to defend our country and they get repaid by being kicked out for being too big. The army should try to help them lose the weight before they kick them out.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12/10/12 br

This just goes to show how, one, violent video games influence what young kids do and, two, how weak our gun control laws are. These kids that did this need some serious help and need to see a counselor.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

12/4/12 br

This filibuster has definitely become something that senators abuse to basically get what they want. All a senator has to do is make a phone call to the capitol and threaten a filibuster which will waste four days of the senates lives. I would probably be mad if someone called a filibuster because that would waste my life.