Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12/18/12 br

I think it is about time we start talking about gun legislation to protect children in schools especially younger children. We need more people to start talking about it.

Monday, December 17, 2012

12/17/12 br

The gunman shot his mother at their house and killed her. Then he went to the school and into his mothers classroom and killed all the children in her class. He also killed 6 adults at the school including the principle, counselor, and a few teachers

12/14/12 br

This is pretty cool. If I knew you could do this kind of stuff I would do it too. He is getting a pretty good amount of money for changing his name and also wearing shirts that advertise companies. It's crazy that someone would pay $45,500 for someone to change there last name but still Jason is definitely making out pretty good in this whole thing.
If I were to change my name I would probably do what Jason did and sell it and let someone give me a last name. I would probably switch after like a tear and get even more money to promote a big company. That's definitely what I would do if I had to change my name.

12/13/12 br

I don't think you should be kicked out of the army for being obese. A lot of people go into the army to defend our country and they get repaid by being kicked out for being too big. The army should try to help them lose the weight before they kick them out.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12/10/12 br

This just goes to show how, one, violent video games influence what young kids do and, two, how weak our gun control laws are. These kids that did this need some serious help and need to see a counselor.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

12/4/12 br

This filibuster has definitely become something that senators abuse to basically get what they want. All a senator has to do is make a phone call to the capitol and threaten a filibuster which will waste four days of the senates lives. I would probably be mad if someone called a filibuster because that would waste my life.

Monday, December 3, 2012

12/3/12 br

its not "Open your notebooks and sharpen your pencils" its more like sit in front of your computer and work while i sit over here and do nothing. 100 million dollors for funding? Is that for new computers, lap tops, Ipods Samsung Galaxy Tab? bc i think that is what most if not all that 100 million dollors is going to. and spending more time in the classroom on computers is not a good thing to do bc I can lay in bed and do most of my work and if the teacher needs it turned in i can tax it in.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

11/29/12 br

Obama wants to meet with Mitt Romney because he wants to see if he would be interested in working together to get the country back into shape. I think Romney should tell him no and that he is the president and needs fix it on his own but Romney probably won't. He will probably tell him something like he would love to help.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


economy- the expenditure or consumption of money or materials

cultural diversity- the cultural variety and cultural differences that exist in the world, a society, or an institution

industry- systmeatic work or labor.

environment- where someone or something lives  

assimilation-  cultural traits from previously distinct cultural groups, not involving biological amalgamation

globalization- worldwide intergrtition

MDC- more developed country

forced migration- fored to move

voluntary migration- you move on your our

LDC- less developed country

mental mapping- what countrys looks like without a map

immigration- moving from one country to a another

statistical measurement- a way of measuring something using stats

11/27/12 br

In my opinion it is understandable why it has gone down and continues to go down. Everybody was using there money to prepare for hurricane sandy and to fix the damage that she did.

Monday, November 26, 2012


In my opinion these so called "baby boxes" are a good idea but also a bad idea at the same time. They are a good idea because if a girl gets raped and gets pregnant she has a safe alternative for the baby instead of abortion or like the example they gave killing it and burying it in the woods or something. However, it is also a bad idea because a couple could be having a baby but they don't want the responsibility of caring for it so they can just get rid of it


These things will probably happen because in my opinion Obama is one of the worst presidents we have had.


i think it is completely ridiculous that she ran over her husband for not voting. I can't even begin to imagine what she would do if her husband was cheating on her and she found out. To run someone over for not voting is just plain stupid end of story.


i do no think that there is going to be another attack but if there is think we need to be perpared for it if one dose perhaps come this way. but other than that i dont think we should have nothing to worry about.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/25/12 br

Obama said Romney has changed or is hiding details on such issues as tax cuts that would benefit the wealthy, education assistance and his opposition to the auto bailout

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10/24/12 br

obama is writing emails about money? why is he doing that because i dont know why unless he is trying to keep his post on the house.

10/23/12 br

i dont really understand the bellringer for today. it seems like to me that the DMV is just trying to take more time out of our day just to get something from there

Friday, October 19, 2012

10/19/12 br

it would be hard to not cry while your own people come back in castits

Thursday, October 18, 2012

10/18/12 br

i think mitt needs to look up what he is talking about before he talks

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10/16/12 br part two

The race between president obama and mitt romney is closer than ever including the measure that will decide it: the electoral college. obama leads in states with 201 electoral votes, romney leads in states with 191 electoral votes.

10/16/12 br part one

in most elections however we dont get a say in something important whether were governed by the rich. By election day that choice has usually been made for us

Monday, October 15, 2012

10/15/12 br

its a good thing that they are trying to transforming our schools.

Friday, October 12, 2012

10/12/12 br

it was a funny debet. there was interupsions and jokes going around

10/11/12 br

On the flip side of that argument is Fisher a plain spoken young Texan denied entry into her fathers and sisters alma mater. She says racial preferences made her a victim of discrimination

10/10/12 br

In releasing the ad the Obama campaign that even on issues as seemingly simple as 8 foot tall talking birds and early childhood education Mitt Romneys rhetoric is out of touch with the facts

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

10/4/12 br

the cnn side of the story says that barack obama won the debate. saying stuff that he was put in office for and is still trying to fix. obama wants to save the US from billons on dollers that we own other countys. He helps the older with medacare.

the foxnews side said that mitt romney won the debate. it says that he toke to tone of the debate. that he hold is own when obama was telling him stuff. romnays body language mattered when it was very important to this debate.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10/2/12 br

If Romney chooses an Alito like justice to replace Justices Scalia or Thomas he would likely face little opposition

Monday, October 1, 2012

10 thing why peolpe love and hate the iphone


1. The iPhone 5 is insanely fast

2. It's insanely light, yet still sturdy

3. The design is striking

4. The screen is actually the perfect size.

5. Battery life is drastically improved, for me anyway.


1. Apple Maps are a step backwards

2. The Lightning Port is making me get all new cords

3. All my apps weren't ready

4. Verizon and Sprint models still can't surf and talk.

5.The aluminum is susceptible to scratches.

 Even tho the Iphone5 comes out one year after the Iphone4 came out. The Iphone5 is 20x better then then Iphone4. People hate the Iphone because you have to make a apple accout but when you get one you can use it for any apple produte. I love the Iphone because it looks better then the other smart phones out there.

10/1/12 br

i do think TSA needs to look closer into the bags then just looking at a screen

Friday, September 28, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9/26/12 br

there is no juck food in school. i would buy juck food then buy the nasty tease "heathy food"

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



9/25/12 br

i think its a good thing that NYC schools are doint this

Monday, September 24, 2012

civics lesson for September 17 2012


This delegate took notes at the


Philadelphia Convention.


Name: James McHenry


State: Ireland

Age/Year of Birth: 1753


Two Additional Clues:


Clue:  Spent most of his time writing


He refused to sign the Constitution.


Name: John Dickinson


State: Maryland


Age/Year of Birth: 1732


Two Additional Clues: 1. studied law in Philadelphia and London.

2. He did enlist in the Continental Army.




This delegate was the head of the


Virginia delegation to the convention.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




He practiced in law in Williamsburg.


Name: John Blair


State: Virginia


Age/Year of Birth: 1732


Two Additional Clues: 1.
At the Virginia ratifying convention, Blair helped win support for the Constitution

2. associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1789, where he served until 1796.






He studied medicine in Scotland.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




This Framer emancipated his slaves in


his will.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




He was responsible for the Judiciary Act


of 1789.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




He was the chairman of the Committee


on Style.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




He served on the committees that draft


both the Declaration of Independence


and the Article of Confederation.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:






He studied law in Philadelphia.


Name: George Read


State: Maryland


Age/Year of Birth: 1733


Two Additional Clues: 1. he set up a legal practice in Delaware

2. was busy with state activities.




He was a roommate of James Madison


at the College of New Jersey.


Name: Gunning Bedford, Jr.


State: Delaware


Age/Year of Birth:1747


Two Additional Clues 1. Bedford was born into a large family.

2. Bedford spent many years as a federal district judge.




He served as the first postmaster general


of Wilmington.


Name: Jacob Broom


State: Delaware


Age/Year of Birth: 1752


Two Additional Clues: 1. a relentless entrepreneur and died in Philadelphia while attending to business.

2. included farming, surveying and mapmaking, shipping, importing, real estate, and city government.




He voted against independence and did


sign the Declaration of Independence.


Name: Robert Morris


State: England


Age/Year of Birth: 1734


Two Additional Clues: 1. He came to America when he was 13.

2. He served as superintendent of finance under the Articles of Confederation, a very difficult job




He voted against the independence, but


signed the Declaration of








Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:






He was born in Connecticut.


Name: William Samuel Johnson


State: Connecticut


Age/Year of Birth: 1727


Two Additional Clues: 1. He graduated from Yale and became a lawyer.

2. Johnson was a powerful member of the Continental Congress.




During the Revolution he served as a


lieutenant colonel in the dragoons.


Name: William Few


State: Georgia


Age/Year of Birth: 1748


Two Additional Clues: 1. As a result, his brother was hanged, the family farm was destroyed, and the family had to flee to Georgia.

2. one of Georgia’s first U.S. senators




Served as one of the original trustees of


the University of Georgia at Athens.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




His notes at the convention described the


personalities of others.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




He studied in Flanders, Belgium.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:






He died three years after the convention.


Name: Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer


State: Maryland


Age/Year of Birth: 1723


Two Additional Clues: 1. he owned a large estate near Annapolis

2. Not much is known about his early years




He was opposed to increasing the power


of the federal government.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




He was called away from the convention


due to family illness.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




This Framer studied law under Thomas








Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




After Shays’ Rebellion, he spoke out


against giving the common people too


much power.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:






He became an apprentice to a merchant


at the age of fifteen.


Name: Nathaniel Gorham


State: Massachusetts


Age/Year of Birth: 1738


Two Additional Clues: 1. He was active in state politics and supported the revolutionary cause

2. He worked to gain approval of the Constitution in Massachusetts.




He was born in the territory that became




Name: Rufus King


State: Massachusetts


Age/Year of Birth: 1755


Two Additional Clues: 1. He studied the law and entered practice in Massachusetts

2. King ran for vice president twice and president once, but lost each time.




In his early twenties he contracted


smallpox, which damaged his eyesight.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




He came late to the convention and


served on Committee of Postponed




Name: Nicholas Gilman


State: New Hampshire


Age/Year of Birth: 1755


Two Additional Clues: 1. He served in the Continental Army

2. born into a large and distinguished New Hampshire family.




His wealth came from investing in trade.


Name: John Langdon


State: New Hampshire


Age/Year of Birth: 1749


Two Additional Clues: 1. He did not receive a great deal of education and began as an apprentice to a merchant.

2. He avidly supported the Revolution






He was arrested by the British for


treason, rescued by a group of patriots.


Name: David Brearly


State: New Jersey


Age/Year of Birth: 1745


Two Additional Clues: 1. Although he dropped out of college, he practiced law in New Jersey.

2. He fought in the Revolutionary War.




He went to convention because his


father and an associate decided not to




Name: Jonathan Dayton


State: New Jersey


Age/Year of Birth: 1760


Two Additional Clues: 1. later served in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

2. named after him because he owned the land where the city was founded.




He is not to be confused with the


gentlemen from Georgia who also did


not sign the Constitution.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




He served as a missionary among the


Mohawk Indians as a teen.


Name: William Livingston


State: Albany, New York.


Age/Year of Birth: 1723


Two Additional Clues:1. Livingston graduated from Yale and spent many years in law practice and politics in New York.

2. Tired of law and having lost power in the New York legislature, he moved to New Jersey around 1770.




He was born in Ireland and came to the


colonies at the age of two.


Name: William Paterson


State: New Jersey


Age/Year of Birth:1745


Two Additional Clues:1. graduated from the College of New Jersey and studied law.

2. served as attorney general of New Jersey






During the Revolution he served as


secretary and aide to General




Name: Alexander Hamilton


State: New York


Age/Year of Birth: 1757


Two Additional Clues: 1. born to unmarried parents in the British West Indies..

2. After the war, he studied law and entered practice.




He believed that the Articles of


Confederation should simply have been








Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




He served eight years as chief justice of


the New York Supreme Court.






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




In 1790, he moved, settling in what is


now Tennessee, and was one of its first


U.S. senators.


Name: William Blount


State: North Carolina


Age/Year of Birth: 1749


Two Additional Clues: 1. eldest son of a well-established North Carolina family.

2. in 1797 over a plan to raise forces to invade Spanish territory in Florida and Louisiana and hand the territory over to the British




He was born in North Carolina, but


raised in Ireland and Scotland.


Name: Richard Dobbs Spaight


State: North Carolina


Age/Year of Birth: 1758


Two Additional Clues: 1. He was educated there and in Scotland, returning to North Carolina in 1778.

2. He worked to gain ratification in North Carolina.  






He was educated to be a minister, but


studied medicine in Europe.


Name: Hugh Williamson


State: North Carolina


Age/Year of Birth: 1735


Two Additional Clues: 1. He worked for ratification and served two terms in the U.S. House.

2. , he settled in North Carolina, where he practiced medicine, serving as surgeon-general for the state’s troops.




He was one of the founders of the


University of North Carolina.


Name: William R. Davie


State: North Carolina


Age/Year of Birth: 1756


Two Additional Clues: 1. Davie did not sign the Constitution but did work for ratification.

2. he served as governor of North Carolina, as a state legislator, and as a peace commissioner to France, among other offices.




He was tried and acquitted of the charge


of cowardice after the Battle of








Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




His Poor Richard’s Almanac was read




Name: Benjamin Franklin




Age/Year of Birth: 1706


Two Additional Clues: 1Born into a poor family, Franklin became an inventor, scientist, diplomat, and publisher

2. With the possible exception of George Washington, Franklin was the best-known man in America.




He was expelled from the Quaker church


for his military service.


Name: Thomas Mifflin


State: Pennsylvania


Age/Year of Birth: 1744


Two Additional Clues: 1. He was educated in Philadelphia and entered business upon finishing his education

2. attaining the rank of major general.






He served as superintendent of finance


under the Articles of Confederation..






Age/Year of Birth:


Two Additional Clues:




He lived in Philadelphia, where he was a


prominent businessman.


Name: Thomas Fitzsimons


State: Ireland


Age/Year of Birth: 1741


Two Additional Clues: 1. He fought in the Revolutionary War

2. moving to America about 1760.




This delegate was born in Connecticut,


the son of a British colonial official.


Name: Jared Ingersoll


State: Connecticut


Age/Year of Birth: 1749


Two Additional Clues: 1. graduated from Yale and then managed his father’s business affairs

2. He followed his father to Philadelphia, where he studied law.




After the Revolutionary war, he


defended loyalists and their




Name: James Wilson


State: Pennsylvania


Age/Year of Birth: 1742


Two Additional Clues: 1. was born and educated in Scotland.

2. He arrived in America in 1765, where he taught and studied law.




Early in life, he lost a leg in a carriage




Name: Gouverneur Morris


State: New York


Age/Year of Birth: 1752


Two Additional Clues: 1. He graduated from King’s College in New York City and studied law.

2. He served briefly in the Senate






He studied law in London, then


practiced law and built a fortune.


Name: John Rutledge


State: South Carolina


Age/Year of Birth: 1739


Two Additional Clues: 1. educated at home by his father and a tutor.

2. He continued to be politically active through the 1780s.




He served in the military during the


Revolution and was held as a prisoner


for two years.


Name: Charles Cotesworth Pinckney


State: South Carolina


Age/Year of Birth: 1746


Two Additional Clues: 1. educated in England, where his father was representing South Carolina.

2. attended every session of the Philadelphia Convention




He was an older cousin to delegate with


Almost the same name.


Name: Charles Pinckney


State: South Carolina


Age/Year of Birth: 1757


Two Additional Clues: 1. , the son of a wealthy lawyer and planter.

2. He trained as a lawyer.




He served in the British Army until


1771, when he resigned after marrying


a colonial girl.


Name: Pierce Butler


State: South Carolina


Age/Year of Birth:  1744

Two Additional Clues: 1.
born in Ireland, the son of a member of the House of Lords.

2. spoke often at the Philadelphia Convention