Monday, October 29, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/25/12 br

Obama said Romney has changed or is hiding details on such issues as tax cuts that would benefit the wealthy, education assistance and his opposition to the auto bailout

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

10/24/12 br

obama is writing emails about money? why is he doing that because i dont know why unless he is trying to keep his post on the house.

10/23/12 br

i dont really understand the bellringer for today. it seems like to me that the DMV is just trying to take more time out of our day just to get something from there

Friday, October 19, 2012

10/19/12 br

it would be hard to not cry while your own people come back in castits

Thursday, October 18, 2012

10/18/12 br

i think mitt needs to look up what he is talking about before he talks

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10/16/12 br part two

The race between president obama and mitt romney is closer than ever including the measure that will decide it: the electoral college. obama leads in states with 201 electoral votes, romney leads in states with 191 electoral votes.

10/16/12 br part one

in most elections however we dont get a say in something important whether were governed by the rich. By election day that choice has usually been made for us

Monday, October 15, 2012

10/15/12 br

its a good thing that they are trying to transforming our schools.

Friday, October 12, 2012

10/12/12 br

it was a funny debet. there was interupsions and jokes going around

10/11/12 br

On the flip side of that argument is Fisher a plain spoken young Texan denied entry into her fathers and sisters alma mater. She says racial preferences made her a victim of discrimination

10/10/12 br

In releasing the ad the Obama campaign that even on issues as seemingly simple as 8 foot tall talking birds and early childhood education Mitt Romneys rhetoric is out of touch with the facts

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thursday, October 4, 2012

10/4/12 br

the cnn side of the story says that barack obama won the debate. saying stuff that he was put in office for and is still trying to fix. obama wants to save the US from billons on dollers that we own other countys. He helps the older with medacare.

the foxnews side said that mitt romney won the debate. it says that he toke to tone of the debate. that he hold is own when obama was telling him stuff. romnays body language mattered when it was very important to this debate.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10/2/12 br

If Romney chooses an Alito like justice to replace Justices Scalia or Thomas he would likely face little opposition

Monday, October 1, 2012

10 thing why peolpe love and hate the iphone


1. The iPhone 5 is insanely fast

2. It's insanely light, yet still sturdy

3. The design is striking

4. The screen is actually the perfect size.

5. Battery life is drastically improved, for me anyway.


1. Apple Maps are a step backwards

2. The Lightning Port is making me get all new cords

3. All my apps weren't ready

4. Verizon and Sprint models still can't surf and talk.

5.The aluminum is susceptible to scratches.

 Even tho the Iphone5 comes out one year after the Iphone4 came out. The Iphone5 is 20x better then then Iphone4. People hate the Iphone because you have to make a apple accout but when you get one you can use it for any apple produte. I love the Iphone because it looks better then the other smart phones out there.

10/1/12 br

i do think TSA needs to look closer into the bags then just looking at a screen